Declared Action

5-6 OCTOBER 2022


Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda as engines of post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation

We, the participants of the First Azerbaijan National Urban Forum (NUFA#1) — representing national, and local governments, parliamentarians, civil society, older persons, women, youth, children, persons with disabilities, grassroot groups and local communities, private sector, foundations and philanthropies, international and regional organizations, academia, professionals and other relevant stakeholders — gathered in the cities of Ağdam and Baku, to support coordinated local and national contributions to sustainable urbanization processes with special emphasis on localizing the New Urban Agenda (NUA) as an engine for post-conflict reconstruction and rehabilitation as well as a road map for accelerating sustainable development, climate action, and building peace to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). According to the former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, 'our struggle for global sustainability will be won or lost in cities'. We therefore call for deployment of all efforts, means and resources to ensure that all inhabitants, of present and future generations, without discrimination of any kind, are able to produce just, safe, healthy, accessible, affordable, resilient and sustainable cities and human settlements to foster prosperity and quality of life for all. We hereby recognize the opportunity of celebrating the Urban October in providing a global platform to spur awareness about sustainable urbanization. In the spirit of the 2022 theme - Mind the Gap. Leave No One and No Place Behind – NUFA#1, the multi-stakeholder platform brings together key decision makers, urban actors and practitioners in support of evidence-based decision making for a well-balanced urban development in the country that fosters a climate resilient and just development. While discussing key elements for urban recovery efforts, it emphasizes the whole-of-government approach and encourages whole-of-society action to achieve the ambitious targets set. We, the participants of NUFA#1, reconfirm that the celebration and enhancement of culture, as a core component of local identity including built and intangible heritage, creativity and diversity, is an integral part of the solution to the challenges of urbanization, including urban crises and in the context of trauma, and to localizing Sustainable Development Goals – particularly SDG 11 “make FIRST AZERBAIJAN NATIONAL URBAN FORUM, AĞDAM and BAKU 5-6 OCTOBER 2022 DECLARED ACTİONS State Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture of The Republic of Azerbaijan cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable - and the New Urban Agenda in the Republic of Azerbaijan. We believe that sound urban governance systems shall ensure continuous dialogue among different levels of government and the participation of all actors, to enhance multilevel and crosssectoral coordination, transparency, and accountability. We underline importance of preserving existing and building new partnerships for sustainable urban development and the NUA implementation including but not limited to partnership with private sector, civil society organizations and academic institutions. We do encourage a continuous sharing and exchange of creative solutions and innovative practices which enable the shift in mindset necessary to drive the changes and strengthening neighborhood-friendly, peaceful, age and gender responsive environments to ensure meaningful engagement at all levels. Lastly, we emphasize the utmost importance of demining for rebuilding safe, prosperous, inclusive and resilient cities, human and rural settlements in the Republic of Azerbaijan in alignment with the Azerbaijan 2030 national socio-economic development priorities. This declaration hereby stands inspired by the World Urban Forum 11 Declared Actions from Katowice, Poland and looking to contribute to success of World Urban Forum 12 in Cairo, Egypt. We thank the Government of Azerbaijan, the State Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture, the Office of the Special Representative of the President and ADA University, the cities of Ağdam and Baku for hosting NUFA#1 as well as UN-Habitat for supporting the convening of the Forum. We commit to providing continuous cooperation to holding and contributing to further National Urban Forums.


06 October 2022
Cities of Ağdam and Baku,
Republic of Azerbaijan